My gazpacho: the recipe


Said in this way, it reminds me about Pepa in the beautiful movie of Pedro Almodovar, “Women on the verge of a nervous breakdown”. Pepa claimed that Ivan adored her gazpacho. Indeed, the gazpacho had a significant role in the movie! :)

If you have followed the previous episodes, you might know that neither raw garlic or raw onions are my favorite. I refrained adding them to my recipes, because I can’t stand their stingy taste and the difficult digestion that follows. But since I discovered how to get rid of this inconvenient, I am now catching on all the plates that I missed in the past :)

Therefore, gazpacho, today. But in my own way…a definitely less conservative version than the typical cold soup from Andalusia.


(Doses for 4 persons)

  • 6 small tomatoes

  • 2 ripe avocados

  • 1 yellow pepper

  • 1 clove of garlic

  • 1 scallion

  • 60 g of stale bread

  • the juice of 1/2 lemon

  • 3 table spoon of extra virgin olive oil

  • salt to taste

Open the avocados and carve the pulp. Place it in a plate dressed with the lemon juice to avoid darkening.

Peel the garlic and the scallion. Cut the scallion in half and set aside. Clean the pepper, remove the seeds and cut it in 4 pieces . Bring some water to boil in a pot and add the garlic, the scallion and the pepper. Let it cook for 6-7 minutes. After this time, turn the flame off, drain the vegetables and place in the fridge to cool.

Soak the bread into some water, squeeze it and place it into a blender. Add the rest of the ingredients and blend them till you will obtain a homogenous soup.

Serve the gazpacho cold.