Maple, Pastis and dill glazed salmon: the recipe


After my trip to Nova Scotia, I can’t resist making some fish recipe :)

Actually, I had this dish in my mind way prior to my departure. More precisely, when I discovered what a good pairing is anethole for fish… Besides Pastis and anice, anethole is also present in dill. If you have ever been in Scandinavia, you might know how popular is the pairing dill-salmon or dill-cod.

The following recipe is pretty easy, because, as a friend of mine was used to say, if the fish is good the only thing you can do is ruining it :) Last, but not least, the glaze is not an option…it is actually the key to the success of this recipe…

Maple, Pastis and dill glazed salmon

(Doses for 4 persons)

  • 4 salmon fillets (about 120-130 g each)

  • 2 table spoons of maple syrup

  • 1 tea spoon of Pastis

  • a pinch of dill (better if fresh, otherwise, use the dry one)

  • salt to taste

Mix the maple syrup and the Pastis. Place the salmon on an oven pan covered with parchment paper and use the syrup mixture to glaze the fillets. Add salt and sprinkle the salmon with the dill. Bake at 180 C in preheated oven for 15 min. Then turn the broil on for 2 min. After this time, remove the salmon from the oven and serve it warm.