Salted caramel gelato: the recipe


I doubt I will ever be a nutritionist. Today’s recipe is very rich. It contains lots of fats (saturated, in addition), simple sugars, cholesterol and even salt. Enough for your dietitian to call an exorcist in no time.

Very well, disclaimer is over, please, proceed at your own risk ;)

If, from one hand, this gelato can make you feel deeply guilty, on the other hand, it will cheer you up.

The recipe comes from the fantastic Mercotte, but I found it on Cavoletto’s blog. I stand by what I say: it is excellent. The result is comparable to what you find in a highly-ranked artisan gelato shop. I have made this gelato since a while and I can affirm it is one of those evergreens that you can propose any time of the year (even in winter).

Dust your gelato machine off, today we make a:

Salted caramel gelato (adaptation of Mercotte’s recipe)

(Doses for 6 persons)

  • 500 g of partially skimmed milk (2% in fats)
  • 200 g of whipping cream (35% in fats)
  • 200 g of sugar
  • 8 egg yolks
  • 2 tea spoons of vanilla extract
  • 1 tea spoon of salt

Pour the cream into a pot and warm it up, almost to boil. In the meanwhile, pour the sugar into another pot and let it caramelize under low-medium flame. Pour the hot cream on the caramel, little by little, and stir vigorously. The mixture tends to form lumps, be patient, stir, and they will eventually dissolve.

Warm the milk up, almost to boil. Beat the egg yolks with the sugar, till it gets frothy. Pour the hot milk on them and keep beating. Add the caramel mixture to the eggs and place everything on stove for about 6 min. Stir continuously and make sure that won’t boil.

Remove the custard from the stove and let it cool down. Cover it with aluminum foil and let it rest in the freezer for about 30 min. After this time, transfer the curd in the gelato machine and activate the function cooling down+stirring. Gelato should be ready after 25-30 min. At this point, stop the machine, remove the mixing bowl, cover it with aluminum foil and stock it in the freezer till the time to serve.